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BEAR™ 2 body

Färg: Evergreen
Storlek: 1 PCS
Finns i 2 varuhus
BEAR™ 2 body arbetar för att ge en fastare, mer tonad hud genom att släta bort utseendet av ojämnheter på lår, rumpa, armar och mage med hjälp av Advanced Microcurrent™, Sculpting Microcurrent™ och T-Sonic™ massage. Mikroströmmen tonar musklerna och stramar upp huden för en fastare hy, medan T-Sonic™-pulseringarna ökar mikrocirkulationen och lymfdräneringen. BEAR™ 2 body måste användas med ett vattenbaserat serum. För optimalt resultat rekommenderar vi FOREO SUPERCHARGED™ Serum 2.0 som är speciellt utvecklat för användning med mikroströmsenheter. Använd 1 gång dagligen för bästa resultat. FÖRDELAR: • Förbättrar utseendet av celluliter och jämnar ut hudens yta • Bleker fina linjer & rynkor • Mikroström tonar musklerna och stramar upp huden för ökad fasthet • Mikroström och T-Sonic™-massage ökar mikrocirkulationen och lymfatisk dränering, levererar näring till hudceller och eliminerar toxiner • Ljusare, fylligare, närd, smidig och jämn hud med minskad pigmentering och ökad lyster • T-Sonic™-massage förbättrar absorptionen och därmed effektiviteten av dina hudvårdsprodukter • 98% av användare rapporterar att huden ser ljusare, fylligare, smidigare och mer närd ut • 98% av användare rapporterar att huden ser friskare ut och känns piggare redan efter 1 vecka • 90% av användare märker synliga resultat redan efter 1 vecka • A slight tingling sensation may occur while using this device, which is normal and not cause for any concern. Lowering the intensity may reduce or eliminate this sensation. If you suspect that you have had a negative reaction from using the electrical stimulation device, consult your doctor and discontinue use immediately. • Apply stimulation only to normal, intact, clean, healthy skin. • Do not use device if you experience an adverse reaction from using the device and discontinue use. • Do not use on infants and children under the age of 18, and keep device out of the reach of children. • If you are under the care of a physician, consult your physician before using this device. • Do not use this device if you have a history of epilepsy or seizures. • If you have suspected or diagnosed heart disease or recent surgery you should follow precautions recommended by your physician. • Do not use device if you have a body-worn medical device such as an insulin pump, heart pacemaker, heart rhythm stimulator, or other electronic device put inside your body. • Stimulation should not be applied over or near suspicious or cancerous wounds, open wounds, rashes, red, swollen, infected, or inflamed areas or skin eruptions. • Do not use if you have any active cancer or cancerous lesion – consult your healthcare provider. • Do not use this device if you are pregnant because the safety of electrical stimulation during pregnancy has not been established. • Stimulation should not be applied over your neck. • Use caution if stimulation is applied over the menstruating uterus. • Do not store BEAR 2 body in the sun or on a hot surface. High temperatures may be damaging. • This device should only be used with a SELV power adapter. • Do not operate BEAR 2 body in the presence of electronic monitoring equipment (e.g., heart monitors, heart tracing) or in close proximity (e.g. 1 m) to shortwave, microwave or electromagnetic therapy equipment. • Keep all electrical appliances (including the BEAR 2 body device) away from water (including baths, showers, and sinks). • If the device begins to overheat, turn the device OFF immediately. This device should be brought to the appropriate collection point for recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this device is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent the potential negative consequences for the environment and human health which could be caused by inappropriate waste handling of the device. The recycling of materials will also help conserve natural resources. For more information about the recycling of your device, please contact your local household waste disposal service or your place of purchase. Because this device contains a lithium-ion battery, the battery must be removed before disposal and should not be thrown away with household waste. To remove the battery, cut and remove the silicone outer layer, unscrew the metal spheres, and cut the plastic shell along the crack. Next, pry the shell open, and separate the battery using a dispergator. Then cut the battery cable, remove the battery and dispose of it in accordance with your local environmental regulations. Wear gloves during this process for your safety.


1. Ladda ner FOREO-appen och parkoppla den med din BEAR™ 2 body via bluetooth. 2. Se till att både din hud och BEAR™ 2 body är ren och torr. Applicera sedan ett tunt maskliknande lager av FOREO SUPERCHARGED™ Serum jämnt över området du vill behandla. 3. Tryck på knappen för att slå på din BEAR™ 2 body. Justera styrkan genom att trycka på knappen igen, en gång för varje intensitet. Med ett dubbelklick kan du stänga av T-Sonic™-pulseringarna. 4. Pressa alla fyra metallkloten mot huden och glid långsamt enheten uppåt över ben, rumpa, mage, armar eller valfritt område.Du har tillgång till guidade behandlingsvideor för specifika områden i FOREO-appen.


To activate your 2-Year Limited Warranty, register through the FOREO For You app, or visit foreo.com/product-registration for more information. FOREO warrants this device for a period of TWO (2) YEARS after the original date of purchase against defects due to faulty workmanship or materials arising from Normal Use of the device. The warranty covers working parts that affect the function of the device. It does NOT cover cosmetic deterioration caused by fair wear and tear, or damage caused by accident, misuse or neglect. Any attempt to open or take apart the device (or its accessories) will void the warranty. If you discover a defect and notify FOREO during the warranty period, FOREO will, at its discretion, replace the device free of charge. Claims under warranty must be supported by reasonable evidence that the date of the claim is within the warranty period. To validate your warranty, please keep your original purchase receipt together with these warranty conditions for the duration of the warranty period.


The battery must be recycled or disposed of properly. Disposal of old electronic equipment (applicable in the EU and other European countries with separate waste collection systems). The crossed-out dustbin symbol indicates that this device should not be treated as household waste, but rather be brought to the appropriate collection point for recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.


"SÄKERHETSINFORMATION: Om du har hudproblem eller andra medicinska besvär bör du rådgöra med en dermatolog före användning. Det ska inte kännas obehagligt att använda FOREOs enheter. I så fall ska du genast avbryta användningen och rådgöra med en läkare. Av hygienskäl bör du inte dela din enhet med någon annan. Lämna inte enheten i direkt solljus och utsätt den aldrig för stark värme eller kokande vatten. Avbryt användningen om produkten verkar skadad. Enheten får endast användas i avsett syfte. Innan du använder enheten bör du läsa den fullständiga bruksanvisningen noggrant. Den finns på www.foreo.com/support " • A slight tingling sensation may occur while using this device, which is normal and not cause for any concern. Lowering the intensity may reduce or eliminate this sensation. If you suspect that you have had a negative reaction from using the electrical stimulation device, consult your doctor and discontinue use immediately. • Apply stimulation only to normal, intact, clean, healthy skin. • Do not use device if you experience an adverse reaction from using the device and discontinue use. • Do not use on infants and children under the age of 18, and keep device out of the reach of children. • If you are under the care of a physician, consult your physician before using this device. • Do not use this device if you have a history of epilepsy or seizures. • If you have suspected or diagnosed heart disease or recent surgery you should follow precautions recommended by your physician. • Do not use device if you have a body-worn medical device such as an insulin pump, heart pacemaker, heart rhythm stimulator, or other electronic device put inside your body. • Stimulation should not be applied over or near suspicious or cancerous wounds, open wounds, rashes, red, swollen, infected, or inflamed areas or skin eruptions. • Do not use if you have any active cancer or cancerous lesion – consult your healthcare provider. • Do not use this device if you are pregnant because the safety of electrical stimulation during pregnancy has not been established. • Stimulation should not be applied over your neck. • Use caution if stimulation is applied over the menstruating uterus. • Do not store BEAR 2 body in the sun or on a hot surface. High temperatures may be damaging. • This device should only be used with a SELV power adapter. • Do not operate BEAR 2 body in the presence of electronic monitoring equipment (e.g., heart monitors, heart tracing) or in close proximity (e.g. 1 m) to shortwave, microwave or electromagnetic therapy equipment. • Keep all electrical appliances (including the BEAR 2 body device) away from water (including baths, showers, and sinks). • If the device begins to overheat, turn the device OFF immediately.

SKU: 65937808

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