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Ljus Stoff, 12-pack

4.6 av 5
Färg: White
Storlek: 18X1,3CM
Finns i 4 varuhus
Ett 12-pack ljus av paraffinvax. Brinntid: 4 timmar per ljus.


Do not burn the candle on or near anything that can catch fire / Use a heat resistant candle holder / Never leave a burning candle unattended / Burn candles our of the reach of children and pets / Keep candles 7 cm apart / Do not put candles in a draft. The candles may bend if placed in direct sunlight. Due to the thin diameter, we advise against placing the candles near draft wind, as it may cause them to drip. Too many candles placed closely together may cause them to brun down quickly.

SKU: 91079729

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